Intensive lesson in Russian: Русская пунктуация (Russian punctuation)

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Improve your Russian thanks to this video seminar (intensive lesson).

Enjoy and learn with this seminar taught in Russian (for students of levels A2-C1), an exciting 75-minute session with our Russian language expert Anastasia Chulkova. You will learn the punctuation rules for students of Russian:

  • Get a complete understanding of the most common punctuation rules.
  • Tips that every Russian student should know.
  • Common punctuation errors and how to fix them.
  • Wide variety of examples. Exercises with solutions explained by the tutor.
Watching this webinar in Russian is a great chance to test your skills: listening comprehension + understanding of explanations in Russian + understanding of grammar concepts.
Includes working materials + Lifetime access to the video webinar + One year access to email tutoring.

Try it for 7 days and if you’re not completely satisfied, write to us and we’ll give you your money back.

Risk-free: Try this lesson for 7 days

  • Register in this intensive lesson
  • Try it for 7 days and, if you’re not completely satisfied…
  • …write us and we’ll give you your money back

Webinar program

This online seminar is a unique 75-minute session with our Russian language expert Anastasia Chulkova.

  • Brief introduction: how to call all the punctuation marks in Russian. From “comma” to “parenthesis”.
  • The Russian hyphen “─”. When to use it and when NOT to use it.
  • Two important concepts to understand Russian punctuation: подлежащее (subject) and сказуемое (predicate).
  • A comprehensive overview of the most important punctuation mark: the comma.
  • Tips, usage and recommendations.
  • Practice. Exercises with solutions explained by the tutor.
  • Questions to the teacher.

The registration in this webinar includes:

  • Lifetime access to the recording of the seminar.
  • Working materials with tables and exercises (pdf).
  • One year to ask questions via email.
  • Certificate of attendance.

Samples of the working materials

Samples of the working materials Samples of the working materials

Intensive grammar on video: Improve your Russian in 90 minutes

Do you want to improve your knowledge of Russian on a specific topic in just 90 minutes? If so, you need our intensive grammar lessons. Each one of them is an intensive video seminar where Anastasia Chulkova, our Russian language expert teaches all you need to know about each topic. Learn, ask questions, listen to useful tips and recommendations and improve your language skills.

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