
Stage 1: From zero to beginner
Learn the basics and your first 500 words

  • Video: 40 video lessons (30 minutes each)
  • Audio: 77 listening audio clips
  • Learning materials: 100 pages
  • Estimated learning time: 60-80 hours
  • Vocabulary you will understand: 500 words

Let’s learn Russian together! This is stage 1, where you will start from zero and reach a vocabulary of 500 words. After completing this first stage you will acquire basic reading, listening and speaking skills. You will be able to communicate in simple situations (family, friends, work, everyday activities,…).

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Kurs Content

Lektionen Status

Lesson 0: The Russian alphabet. How to read Russian
Hello / Привет! Welcome to our Russian course. We hope you enjoy learning with us. Our first challenge is the Russian alphabet. We will learn the pronunciation of each letter, practice their sounds and also, read your first Russian words.


Lesson 1: Hello student
Grammar contents: Personal pronouns in the nominative and accusative case. The construction “My name is…”.
New Vocabulary: Greetings and farewells. Simple introductions.


Lesson 2: This is my friend
Grammar contents: Genders of Russian nouns. Possessive pronouns in singular.
New Vocabulary: More about introductions, greetings and farewells.


Lesson 3: My family
Grammar contents: Possessive pronouns in plural. Review of all the grammar points learnt so far.
New Vocabulary: Talking about you and your family.


Lesson 4: Professions
Grammar contents: Plural of Russian nouns. The prepositional case. Verb conjugation: “to work” and “to study”.
New Vocabulary: Talking about people, their jobs and their workplaces.


Lesson 5: I am Russian, and you?
Grammar contents: Special endings of the prepositional case. The verbs “to be” and “to live”. The past tense. Endings of adjectives in the nominative case.
New Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Describing your town.


Lesson 6: Languages
Grammar contents: Different verbs in the present and past tenses: “to speak”, “to read”, “to write”, “to know”,… The difference between the verbs учиться and изучать. Adjectives and adverbs describing languages.
New Vocabulary: Talking about the languages you speak and your language skills.


Lesson 7: What are you doing?
Grammar contents: Further learning of verbs in the present and past tenses. The two types of Russian verb conjugation. The special endings of the word дом in the prepositional case.
New Vocabulary: Talking about everyday activities.


Lesson 8: A difficult lesson
Grammar contents: All possible endings of adjectives in the nominative case. The question word “which?”. The construction “What a nice…!”.
New Vocabulary: General topics using different adjectives (cheap, expensive, short, poor etc.).


Lesson 9: Days of the week and time
Grammar contents: The accusative case with the days of the week. Introduction to numbers. The endings of the word “hour” after numbers. Further learning of verbs in the present and past tenses.
New Vocabulary: Using the time and days of the week to explain what we do.


Lesson 10: My day
Grammar contents: The usage of the accusative case when expressing a motion. The instrumental case with parts of the day. Conjugation of verbs regarding everyday activities in the present and past tenses.
New Vocabulary: Adding temporal expressions (“always, often” etc.) to give more information when talking.


Additional Exercises Stage 1
These exercises are a summary of all the grammar concepts studied in Stage 1. Try to do them without checking the grammar tables. All the necessary information should be stored in your mind by now 😉
Have you finished them without a single mistake? Congratulations! You are now a real Stage 1 expert.

Stage 2: 1000 Russian words and much more
Improve your vocabulary and understanding of Russian

  • Video: 40 video lessons (30 minutes each)
  • Audio: 68 listening audio clips
  • Learning materials: 100 pages
  • Estimated learning time: 80-100 hours
  • Vocabulary you will understand: At least 1000 words

Are you ready to improve your Russian? You will learn grammar and vocabulary that will help you express your ideas more clearly. By the end of this stage you will know at least 1000 words. That’s enough to understand 80% of words in some common texts. That’s a great achievement. Congratulations!

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Kurs Content

Lektionen Status

Lesson 1: I have everything!
Grammar contents: The construction “у меня есть”. Groups of irregular plural nouns.
New Vocabulary: Using colours and adjectives to describe people and things.


Lesson 2: Food and groceries
Grammar contents: The accusative case used as a direct object. Irregular verbs. Review of the prepositions в / на.
New Vocabulary: Talking about food and what we usually eat and drink.


Lesson 3: Clothes and shoes
Grammar contents: Numbers from 10 to 100. Usage of the word “rouble” with numbers. The demonstrative pronoun “this” in all genders.
New Vocabulary: Talking about shopping. Buying clothes and shoes. Asking for prices.


Lesson 4: My apartment
Grammar contents: Regular and irregular endings of the prepositional case to indicate location. Numbers from 100 to one million. Verbs describing the position of objects: to stand, to lie, to hang.
New Vocabulary: Talking about our home. Parts of the house and furniture.


Lesson 5: My city
Grammar contents: The Imperative of a verb. Summary of all possible endings of the prepositional case in singular.
New Vocabulary: Talking about our town. Means of transport. Asking for directions when we are lost.


Lesson 6: How old are you?
Grammar contents: Pronouns in the dative case to express what you like and what you don’t like. Usage of the dative case to tell your age. The word “year” with numbers. Prepositions with the verb “to play”. The prepositional case with months.
New Vocabulary: Giving information with numbers using the right case.


Lesson 7: The weather
Grammar contents: Russian constructions for rain and snow. The instrumental case with the seasons. The use of the word “degree” with numbers. Usage of adverbs to describe the weather.
New Vocabulary: Talking about the weather, seasons and nature.


Lesson 8: I’m going to the hospital
Grammar contents: Different constructions: “my … hurts”, “I’m ill” and “I have to”. The use of the dative to express how you feel.
New Vocabulary: Talking about your health and going to the doctor. Body parts and describing where it hurts.


Lesson 9: Plans for the holidays
Grammar contents: The future tense. The prepositional case with means of transport.
New Vocabulary: Talking about summer and winter activities.


Lesson 10: I’m going to the restaurant
Grammar contents: The instrumental case with the preposition “c” in singular and plural for all genders. The dative case with different verbs.
New Vocabulary: Different situations at a restaurant and talking about food.


Additional Exercises Stage 2
These exercises are a summary of all the grammar concepts studied in Stage 2. Try to do them without checking the grammar tables. Find your weak spots and refresh your vocabulary.
Have you finished them without a single mistake? Congratulations! You have reached an A2 level in Russian.

Stage 3: Let’s have a nice Russian conversation
Improve your vocabulary and reduce your mistakes when speaking

  • Video: 40 video lessons (30 minutes each)
  • Audio: 68 listening audio clips
  • Learning materials: 100 pages
  • Estimated learning time: 120-140 hours
  • Vocabulary you will understand: 1500-2000 words

In stage 3 you will enrich your vocabulary and learn to use new expressions with confidence. As an intermediate Russian learner, you will have a clear and structured idea about the Russian language. You will be able to speak about many different topics using real Russian. Great, isn’t it?

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Kurs Content

Lektionen Status

Lesson 1: I do the shopping
Grammar contents: The endings of the genitive case and different usages. The prepositions “у”, “для”, “из”, “без”. The expression “to need” with the dative case. The pronoun “which” in the nominative case.
New Vocabulary: Shopping and purchases. Talking about what we need and what we have to buy.


Lesson 2: Life in the office
Grammar contents: Introduction to the concept of perfective and imperfective verbs. The usage of pronouns starting with “some-” and “any-“. The two ways to say “if” in Russian and the difference in their usage.
New Vocabulary: Talking about office work, jobs, salaries, business trips and meetings.


Lesson 3: I dream about the sea
Grammar contents: The endings of the prepositional case in plural. The usage of the preposition “about”. Personal pronouns in all the Russian cases. More on verb aspect.
New Vocabulary: Talking about holidays and resting.


Lesson 4: Happy childhood
Grammar contents: The endings of the dative case and different usages. The prepositions “по”, “к”. The difference between the verbs “мочь” (can) and “уметь” (can, to know how to do something). Introduction to the verbs of motion: the verbs “идти – ходить” (to go on foot).
New Vocabulary: Talking about children.


Lesson 5: At the zoo
Grammar contents: The accusative case of animate nouns and its usage. The prepositions “за”, “в”, “на”. The difference between the verbs “лежать – ложиться” (to lie – to lie down), “сидеть – садиться” (to sit – to sit down), “висеть – вешать” (to hang – to hang something). More on verb aspect.
New Vocabulary: Talking about animals and pets.


Lesson 6: How do I look?
Grammar contents: The degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.
New Vocabulary: Describing people’s appearance, their hair colour, height, weight, etc.


Lesson 7: In the big city
Grammar contents: The usage of verbs of motion in the present tense. The prepositional case of adjectives and possessive pronouns.
New Vocabulary: Talking about life in a big city. Asking for directions and means of transport.


Lesson 8: At the theatre
Grammar contents: The genitive case of adjectives and possessive pronouns. The usage of the pronoun “свой”. The question “whose”. Perfective and imperfective verbs with and without prefix.
New Vocabulary: Talking about art in general, buying tickets to a show and giving your opinion about about it.


Lesson 9: Insects
Grammar contents: The usage of the verbs of motion in all the tenses. Reviewing the verbs of motion without prefixes. The accusative case of adjectives and possessive pronouns. The expression “each other” in all the cases.
New Vocabulary: Talking about nature, insects and other small animals.


Lesson 10: Be healthy!
Grammar contents: The instrumental case of adjectives and possessive pronouns. Short adjectives. Reviewing the usage of the instrumental case.
New Vocabulary: Talking about health, diseases, medicine and doctors.


Additional Exercises Stage 3
It’s time to check our knowledge of Stage 3. Don’t feel frustrated if you can’t get everything right on the first try. Stage 3 has introduced us to many new and complicated concepts that need time to be assimilated.
You haven’t done a single mistake? Congratulations! You are on your way to the B1 level in Russian.

Stage 4: You are ready to be part of the Russian culture
The end of our course and the beginning of a great future

  • Video: 32 video lessons (45 minutes each)
  • Audio: 56 listening audio clips
  • Learning materials: 100 pages
  • Estimated learning time: 150-180 hours
  • Vocabulary you will understand: At least 3000 words

You can be proud of yourself! After finishing this stage you will be able to communicate comfortably in most situations in everyday, cultural, educational and professional life. Your knowledge of Russian at this point is enough to take TORFL-1 / TPKИ-1 (Test of Russian as a Foreign Language). This is a great achievement as this exam is a requirement for applying to a Russian university. In other words, you’re ready to live in Russia, watch Russian tv, read Russian newspapers, etc.

You have completed % of this stage

Kurs Content

Lektionen Status

Lesson 1: Finger licking good!
Grammar contents: The dative case of adjectives and possessive pronouns. Verbs built from adjectives. The expression “to be lucky”. Verb analysis: aspect, irregularities and usage.
New Vocabulary: Talking about food and cooking. Giving a more detailed description of dishes and your food tastes.


Lesson 2: A roof over my head
Grammar contents: The endings of the pronoun “который” in all the Russian cases. Negative pronouns with two types of prefixes: “не-” and “ни-“. Verb analysis: aspect, irregularities and usage.
New Vocabulary: Talking about one’s living conditions, relationship with neighbours, having a flatmate/roommate, sharing expenses, paying a mortgage, etc.


Lesson 3: Our motherland
Grammar contents: How to read dates properly. Using the nominative, genitive and prepositional cases when reading dates. The usage of the perfective and imperfective aspect after the word “давайте” (let’s…). Verb analysis: aspect, irregularities and usage.
New Vocabulary: Talking about your native country (flag, official language, natural resources) and its capital city. Talking about Russia and Moscow.


Lesson 4: In space
Grammar contents: Revision of the verbs of motion without prefixes. Perfective forms of the verbs of motion. Verb analysis: aspect, irregularities and usage.
New Vocabulary: Talking about the universe and the achievements of humankind.


Lesson 5: Crime and punishment
Grammar contents: The usage of the conditional mood in complex and compound sentences. The conjunctions “ли / если / то, что / то, чтобы “. The forms of the pronoun “то” in all the cases. Collective numerals with masculine animate nouns. Verb analysis: aspect, irregularities and usage.
New Vocabulary: Talking about crime and justice. Different kinds of crime and criminals. The work of the police, judges and investigators.


Lesson 6: Money doesn’t buy happiness
Grammar contents: The Russian participle – Part 1: the present and past participles, their forms, usage and exceptions. Verb analysis: aspect, irregularities and usage.
New Vocabulary: Talking about money and finance: loans, salaries and big fortunes. Talking about greedy and generous people, and the role of money in our lives.


Lesson 7: Счастливого пути!
Grammar contents: Russian verbs of motion with prefixes: the meaning of each prefix and their usage with verbs of motion. Prepositions that are usually used after different verbs of motion with prefixes.
New Vocabulary: Talking about journeys and means of transport. Talking about your car, driving and traffic regulations.


Lesson 8: Глобальные проблемы
Grammar contents: Russian participles (with adjectival function): how to form them and use them.
New Vocabulary: Talking about natural and man-made disasters: earthquakes, floods, hunger, poverty, etc. Talking about key issues in today’s world.


Lesson 9: Русские праздники
Grammar contents: Passive constructions: the usage of the reflexive verbs and short participles when making passive constructions of perfective and imperfective aspect.
New Vocabulary: Talking about Russian holidays and other festivities in general. Talking about customs and traditions, the origin of some Russian holidays and the way Russians celebrate them.


Lesson 10: Чувства и эмоции
Grammar contents: Advanced usage of the perfective and imperfective aspect.
New Vocabulary: Feelings and emotions. Talking about happy and stressful situations and dealing with emotions in our lives.


Additional Exercises Stage 4
You have completed all the stages of our video course. It’s a great achievement! Stage 4 has made you a confident B1 student who is able to follow a lesson taught entirely in Russian. These additional exercises will help you identify your weak spots and review them.
You haven’t done a single mistake? Congratulations! You’ve reached a solid B1 level in Russian. Time to celebrate it!